Praise report 1: I was in Village D. on Saturday evening and again on the Sunday morning for fellowship. I initially planned to attend church in C. However, I had to change my mind when I was in Village D. on the Saturday, as there were people hungry to be feed with the Word of God. I heard testimonies of young girls who want to spend more time with the Word of God and want to come to Pastor B’s house almost every evening, though they have school and colleges to attend. Many were not there on the Saturday night because it was a working day. I wanted to drive to Village D., but the road conditions and Sister S. discouraged me to drive all the way alone. So I went to the railway station, had to change tri-cycle and auto twice to finally get to the station and found I missed the train returned home to travel by road, but again took an auto to the railway station to travel to C. finally. I was again reminded to give thanks to the Lord for the STW and their four-wheeler. Driving the truck given by the STW is such a blessing for the ministry. There are at least 6 to 7 people ready to be baptized and all are the only members in their family. We need prayers for them, as there were opposition, as they came to the fellowship. Slowly people are becoming open to hear the Gospel. Pastor B. has help two women who were being trafficked out of the village, that has given him support in the village, for the good work he did to rescue those two women. Those two women also do come to fellowship from time to time, though there is opposition from the family. One M. brother who have come to Christ is also sharing the Gospel and helping Pastor B. in the ministry. I am thinking of asking Brother B. to help guide this brother as he has the passion to reach others with the Gospel. This village is about 7 kms from Village D. (you have visited this earlier) and is surrounded by the river on the three sides by the river flowing around it. Many people who came yesterday had to cross the river by a boat to get to the fellowship by paying Rs.5.00 one way. Since most of the seekers are young or house-wives, and do not have any kind of income, it is hard for them. However, Pastor B. has made arrangement with the person who runs the boat to allow people coming to the fellowship, when they give his reference, they do not have to pay if they do not have money to pay. Pastor B. has worked out a deal to pay once a year, as he too often have to cross the river to reach those villages. Communication is a major concern. I had to reserved an auto to go to and forth. On Sunday I had to wait for about 35 minutes for transportation to get back to Village D., finally I got one wooden plank make in the form of a auto (no seat and no roof) driven by a diesel generator going at a snail pace to get to Village D.. Pastor B. shared the inconvenience when the boat is not running, and when more time is consumed waiting for vehicles than the time of meeting people and sharing the Gospel. If you can share the urgent need of a motorcycle for Pastor B. it will be of great help to the ministry there. Praise report 2:
Praise reports from Pastor San!
Greetings! I have attached 4 photos; (no photos to protect them); two of them are from B. Tea Estate, where we had the baptism program, and the other two are from area C. B., where we have a fellowship and we are building a Worship Center there on the land provided by one of the believers. We have already started the work there from 19th August 2013.
Three of our workers are attending Workshop of Child Protection and Child Rights, organized by World Vision today and tomorrow. We are planning to have a teens camp in October in two phases one in Tea Garden Areas and the other in C./D. area, where we have children ministry but no sponsorship program like Compassion or Children of Promise, to reach out to these children with the love of God.