Richard Fields
Richard Fields is the founder and Executive Director of Helping Hands In Motion Inc., also known as HHIM and as Helping Hands, has been doing ministry for over 30 years. HHIM is a support ministry to missionaries and national pastors in various countries. Helping Hands is a 501(C) 3 Non-Profit Corporation and is a recognized Freestanding Organization within the Church Of God of Anderson, Indiana. Helping Hands seeks partnerships with churches, people, businesses and organizations where we can come alongside other ministries to help them reach their vision and goals as God has directed them.
Presently, HHIM is aiding and assisting Pastors and/or National Leaders in Northern India, Nepal, Bangladesh and Haiti. We have served in Jamaica, Belize, Cuba, Honduras, Mexico and Paraguay, as well as some other countries not listed for safety reasons in the past.
Richard serves as a liaison for these ministries supported by HHIM. He is in perpetual contact with other ministries, churches and individuals seeking ways and venues we can network with to sustain and empower these ministries. Richard travels to all of these countries and keeps in constant contact with the pastors and leaders so he will have current, new and fresh information on these ministries for our supporters to stay well informed. HHIM is presently involved in aiding these ministries by providing several new buildings – churches, orphanages, and discipleship centers; by assisting in meeting their medical needs, providing transportation help, raising financial support for pastors and leaders, plus meeting numerous other ways of empowering and encouraging these pastors and leaders.
HHIM was birthed in 1993, when Richard worked bi-vocationally as pastor, associate pastor, contractor and more as he led this ministry. Then in 2007, Richard accepted the call to go full-time with Helping Hands In Motion, stepping out in faith, as this is a faith-based ministry. The ministry has grown rapidly. Many souls are being won for Christ by these national pastors and leaders, who call Richard their Pastor, thus making their needs so great that he needed to be full-time with Helping Hands, trusting in God as he took that step.
Richard has served on the Executive Staff of Florida Church of God Ministries as Missions Coach, and he has pastored churches in West Virginia, Kentucky and Florida. He received his Bachelor of Arts degree from Warner University, Lake Wales, Florida.

Diane Halstead
Diane has joined the HHIM team as the Director of Haiti Relations. She has been to the Haiti six times, and while there, has organized and facilitated Vacation Bible School in two locations and has worked on repairs needed at the orphanage. She has also organized teams and procured translators to help with VBS.
She and her husband have raised four children and live in the Eastern United States. Other than her role as wife and mom, her full-time job outside the home is caregiving for older adults so they can continue living in their homes. Ever since she can remember, Diane has had a soft spot for widows and orphans; while also having compassion for taking care of the underdog, those less fortunate, or the forgotten.
Diane says she feels at peace when she is in Haiti, like she is home. She is looking forward to returning when the current and dangerous situation has been eliminated so she can continue pursuing her passion of supporting the Haitian community and orphanage.

Kelley Dendel
Kelley has been actively involved with HHIM since 2010, when she began traveling with ministry teams to help after the earthquake. Then in 2023, she came on board as the ministry’s Accounting Secretary, and as of January 2025, as the Social Engagement Administrator.
Professionally, Kelley serves as the Operations Executive Administrative Assistant at a local school district. She also is very active in her home church, Rotary International, and many other clubs and activities.
Kelley and her husband, Jim, live in Michigan where they have raised four children and have been blessed with two grandchildren. When not busy with quality family and friend time, as well as professional and charitable endeavors, she enjoys running, biking, camping, and traveling.
Because of her compassion and dedication to helping those in need, she looks forward to when there will be travel to Haiti again.