Blessings in Haiti by Sue Sargent

The goodness, bigness and faithfulness of God is always amazing me. Since the catastrophic earthquake in January I’ve been waiting for an opportunity to go to Haiti and do what I could to help with housing for the multitude of people who were left homeless. That opportunity came when Helping Hands in Motion teamed up with FCOG in Vero Beach to take a short term mission trip to the flat-land village of Prospere and the mountainous region of Calebassee. To work hands-on with my brothers and sisters in the Lord on behalf of the Haitian people was a prime example of the body of Christ in action. In so doing I saw God be glorified through the friendliness and gratitude of those who were receiving houses and working right along beside us.
After each house is assembled, the concrete floor is poured and the exterior is painted it is time for a dedication. This is a time for prayer and thanksgiving when the owner has a chance to share with the team and thank God for His provision and members of the team can likewise speak words of encouragement to the owner. The three dedications our team shared was one of the high points of the trip for me.
As a personal blessing for me God reminded me of the culture shock I experienced after my first trip to Haiti in 1975. As Richard prepared the team for our return to the US I could see exactly what had happened to me back then. This trip not only afforded me the opportunity to help those in need but it also provided a degree of unexpected personal healing in my own life.
One day all of God’s children will be together for eternity and there will be no separations or barriers. Until then He will give us the grace and strength to continue to navigate this fallen world and bring glory to Him in the midst of it.
