PRAYER NEEDS: * A date to drill the well at HOB – we have limited resources for a couple of wells to be drilled at HOB and at the local church, we have been working on this for almost 2 years, trying to get a company with a rig that can travel up to HOB. We have the company now, and we are on the waiting list, so we are asking for a definite date to drill, for favor when drilling (each hole costs approx. $5000 whether they hit water or not), a great water vein with good water and a strong supply of water. * For a person/couple to go to HOB as a Missionary/Teacher for the HOB School. They must raise their own support. This position is for community outreach as well as for HOB, and needs to be strong in teaching English. * Good health for the kids and staff at HOB * Several of the older kids at HOB, and in the community, are in the decision making process of their careers (jobs, higher education, etc.) – asking for guidance as they make their decision, for finances and open doors for them and for protection against wrong decisions. * For financial support for the orphanage, and for the kids. The higher they go in school, the more it costs, and several are in the upper grades now. * Also for my personal support – unfortunately, I must raise my own so I can continue to effectively minister in the areas which HHIM has been called. * One of HOB’s kids who is now an adult, Wislande (mentioned above) is getting married in June to a doctor – they both are Christians and continue to give back to Haiti. This wedding is a joyous occasion for everyone at HOB. * For continued vision and guidance for HHIM in the ongoing ministry and work at HOB. If you have any questions, please call me at 863-255-1339. God bless you!! We love you all.]]>