In May 2014, a team of twelve from Journey and Oak Grove churches traveled to Haiti. We had several goals in mind: help financing the materials needed to continue building a new school in Calebasse, work at the new school construction, take with us 150 bags with school and hygiene supplies for the kids and teachers in the area, deliver the donations made by many good people in US (tools, clothes, toys, food, etc.), help with several improvements needed in the House of Blessings (HOB) orphanage, and most importantly, get to know the kids and workers of the orphanage and the community surrounding it and establish a personal relationship with them. All those goals were met, but I sincerely believe that the main value of our trip was not about the resources that we brought, nor the work that we did, but about the love that we shared during this wonderful week and how much we learned from the exceptional HOB family and its community. We left Haiti spiritually richer; having seen Jesus in our everyday interactions. The joy, solidarity, caring for the community, dreams, optimism, and deep faith that we saw during our trip deeply impacted each of us and there is no doubt in that we will be better persons after meeting and sharing with all the beautiful people that we met in Haiti. The members of our team will be closer to each other because we had this incredibly valuable experience to create a very special bond between us. HOB and its community are and will be forever in our hearts, giving us the opportunity of experiencing the joy of giving and adding a new precious meaning to our lives. They made us fall in love with them and that is a dear treasure that we will keep and cultivate. It was amazing to see the older kids in the orphanage taking care of the little ones, the workers being so loving with the children and with us, “the visitors”. It was inspiring to see them singing and praying from the bottom of their hearts. Our souls were filled with hope when we saw their hard work, listened about their dreams, heard about their accomplishments, enjoyed their jokes and smiles. It was extremely touching to see how the new kids, Guerson and Kendy, were accepted right away as members of the family and how open and happy they were enjoying and appreciating the love that was being poured on them by everyone. THANK YOU Richard and Jon for organizing and coordinating this trip. THANK YOU to all the people in our churches and communities for providing the resources, time and efforts to make this trip possible and successful. THANK YOU Tampa Bay team for being so friendly and cooperative, for your hard work and for showing so much love to every person that we met in Haiti. And THANK YOU VERY MUCH to the House of Blessings family for reminding us that happiness and joy are not about having more, but about doing more to improve the lives of those in need, about giving instead of receiving. Blessings! All of you and all your dreams will be in our prayers!]]>