Mawhool and Cathy[/caption]
My Trip to Haiti
I started to write a journal for you. I have found that I can’t. There are emotions all wrapped up in painting a dining porch and carrying buckets of cement and walking rocky roads at the feet of the magnificent mountains. There are hugs and laughter and sweat and sore muscles. There is singing and prayer and smiles and braided hair. There are spiders and lizards and some of the most beautiful flowers I have ever seen. Fresh avocados, citrus fruits, and mangos hang from the trees. Church, in a language I don’t understand, translated just for us by men we’d never met. Riding in a tap-tap and trying to keep my seat on the rough roads. Standing at a rail looking down on Port au Prince and realizing the tent city is gone. I am amazed at the progress while my American impatience wishes for more. Did I see Jesus in Haiti? Yes, I saw Him in a little girl who decided to stay at the House of Blessings even when it meant breaking up her family. I saw Him in the love Marie showed to all of us. I saw Him as we walked dusty roads to attend services. Sharing smiles from one Christian to another, no language needed. I heard His voice as the choir and the congregation sang praises to our Father God. I heard Him in the voices of Christina, and Wislande as they sang at devotions. I heard Him as Steeve pronounced a blessing on us each night. I saw Him at work mixing concrete on the ground and He had many different faces. He looked like Brother G. and Bland and Barbara, Richard, and Fello and even Shelando. I saw love without reserve and that is always Jesus. I saw people who really didn’t know each other very well, sharing what they had because they saw a need. I got to know people I had been attending church with for years. These are wonderful ladies, and I had never had a chance to get to know them. I got to spend time with the children. Christina and her side kick Rosie kept to themselves quite a bit. There were brothers Fello and Carlo who we constantly called the wrong name. Sweet Mawoole went about her day smiling. Wislande led our singing with her beautiful voice. Each child a special gift from God, sent to the House of Blessings for His purpose. Bless them, Oh Lord. Keep them safe and strong. Guard them from all harm. Surround them with your guardian angels. Bless their efforts, God, as they do their part to bring their country back to You. Keep us mindful, Lord God, of the way we spend Your gifts of money and health and time. Help us to remember that these gifts aren’t ours; you have given them to us in order to bless others. Thank you, Lord, for the House of Blessings. Bless and guide their ministry. Lead them as they make their daily decisions. Lead, guide and protect, Lord. In the name of our Precious Lord Jesus, Amen.]]>