Gary Krier, my friend and brother in Christ has invited me to participate in several mission activities in the past, both local and foreign; however, I had never felt impressed to join him. But, when he mentioned Haiti, something or should I say, someone in me said, “Go” and so I agreed to attend. I quickly felt impressed to ask my third born son, Luke, who is now 20 years of age to go with me. Without hesitation he said, “Yes, let’s go”. Having a Boy Scout heart (always be prepared), I began to research Haiti and what I would need to survive there.
Of course I was aware of the recent earthquake and the thousands of lives that it took, but I really knew very little about where it was and what was going on there. The more I researched, the more I discovered how dangerous this place was said to be. My thoughts were, “If God has called me to go, He will be my safety”, but I also knew that I should “count the cost” and prepare accordingly – so I did. I mentioned the trip to my brother (earthly and spiritual) Steve, and he immediately said, “Yes, count me in”.
We left for the airport and the peace of God filled me. I had no expectation, no fears, and believed that Jesus would work both, through me and in me. Luke and I were excited.
Arriving in Port Au Prince, Haiti, I observed sights that I had never seen before except on the television. The Haitian people lined the streets with hopelessness in their eyes. They apparently had nowhere to go and nothing to do. My heart was touched with both sadness and compassion. Our two hour trip from the airport to the orphanage where we would be staying, was a most memorable one to say the least. I was never so glad to get my feet back on solid ground! Let’s just say that Haitian roads are a bit different than those in Texas.
We met the children living in the orphanage and immediately fell in love with them and them us. At times my suspicious mind wondered if they befriended us just so they could get us to give them things, but I decided to love them anyway. I might have done the same if I were in their shoes. Getting to know the children and workers at the orphanage was a highlight of the trip.
Early the next morning we were up with the roosters (l learned to hate roosters on this trip) – 4:45 a.m. I must say that roosters rival only God in their faithfulness. We were up with the sun; and by 5:00 a.m. the orphanage was alive with activity, both inside and out. It made for some long days, but they were all good. We helped some young Haitian men build a house the first day. It may have been the best day of the trip. The Haitians immediately took to us and us to them. We worked together as we prayed and played pouring concrete. The joy and peace they demonstrated to me was a testimony to Jesus. His joy and peace are not determined by our possessions, titles, or location. His love knows no boundaries! We were told on day one that we were there to build relationships first, houses second. I would say that we accomplished that goal!
At no time did I experience fear, although riding down the road in the big red truck was a little tense. The people I met were friendly, appreciative and open to receive us. I have very fond memories of the Haitian people. I hope to return to Haiti again.
Every day we were there another group from the U.S. arrived at the orphanage. It got crowed, but the Spirit of peace was always there in the House of Blessing (name of orphanage). We met some new friends who we ministered to and who in turn ministered to us.
As I returned home I was overcome by the peace of God. My life has slowed down considerably since, even in the midst of my busyness. I truly believe I will never be the same as a result of this trip. My son has similar thoughts as well. Thanks to Richard and all those who helped make this a special time, but thanks most of all to Jesus who is our life.
1 Therefore if you have been raised up with Christ, keep seeking the things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. 2 Set your mind on the things above, not on the things that are on earth. 3 For you have died and your life is hidden with Christ in God. 4 When Christ, who is our life, is revealed, then you also will be revealed with Him in glory.
Colossians 3:1-4 (NASB)
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