An itinerary for the Haiti trip . . . That would be an excellent idea!!! If I had one! They will go to church tomorrow, play with the kids at the orphanage, get acquainted with everyone and talk about the process, while waiting for everyone to arrive tomorrow. There are about 60 workers this year – usually there are around 30 – 40. So the increased number brings new excitement and joy, as well as some challenges to soar in (sleeping areas, feeding that many more people, transporting everyone will be a BIG issue) . . . but everyone was so thankful to be faced with these challenges – and looking forward to how God is going to be glorified in all of it! They should receive their “assignments” tomorrow – which will probably rotate.
I am unsure of which days they are having what age groups this year, but I believe I heard that 430 children from the villages had enrolled. That means that some families will travel for a couple of days or so to get there so their children can attend, and will sleep in ditches along the way, and often while in Callabasse, waiting while their different aged children to get to attend the camp on different days.
After the camp is finished for the day, they prepare for the next day, get everything ready as much as they can, then they often will play with the children in the orphanage, take hikes as a group, help the community in various ways, work on projects around the orphanage; nightly they all come together after dinner for some group time, reflections of the day and how to process it, prepare for the next day spiritually and emotionally, share scriptures, etc and pray. During this time there is usually a lot of laughter and tears.
One day they should have free to go sight-seeing as one or 2 groups, probably depending on transportation…or possibly to the beach. I did not hear what was on schedule this year – and at times that is left open to wait to see what the group wants to do.
On Saturday they will be for preparing to come, shop for souvenirs, play with the kids, say good-bye to some groups – as some leave on Saturday. They will home next Sunday – tired, feeling pretty dirty, and ready for a nice bath or shower – and a good bed. But changed and impacted by what they have experienced, the kids they have interacted with and played with and hugged, and by the new friends they have made. . .and usually get frustrated by the waste and indifference here in America.
I hope this “Itinerary Debi Style” helps out!! If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to call, email or FaceBook me.
I ask that you just lift them all up in your prayers!